6/ "No matter how much I gave, I felt full"

To bring my reflections from the first three months of this project to a close, I am contemplating this practice as an antidote to the scarcity mindset so often perpetrated by cultural messages, societal norms.

[This post is part of a series that begins here.]

For someone who might feel stuck, offering loving-kindness to other beings, and to one’s own self, could be a catalyst for true freedom to feel, which can, in my experience, mobilize towards right and healthy action. In this movement, this evolution forward, a generative discovery of the heart’s infinite reach.

As one meditator commented, “never before have I felt my heart’s limitless capacity.”

Another reflected that during a particularly difficult time in their life, they started to darken to the world, to feel cynical. This practice generated an energetic quality within them that they now felt they could not only practice metta on their own, but that they could be more loving and kind, in life.

As one said about their experience as a whole, “no matter how much I gave, I felt full.” Unlike other experiences, there was no drain to the point of depletion. In fact, the opposite; the more they gave, the less empty they felt. A virtuous cycle in motion. One heart, to the next, to the next, to the next…

I see this not only as a beautiful possibility, but as essential.

“… because the world just works better that way, you know?”

5/ "When I wished him well, I felt it true"