PLEASE READ: slow down.

PLEASE READ: slow down.

These are some of the things that drive me batty, that might be controversial. What are yours?

  1. Email subjects with instruction: “PLEASE READ.” If you don’t say that, should I not?

  2. The rhetoric, “slow down to speed up.” I deeply appreciate the invitation to slow down, and I equally recognize the pressures in business to innovate with speed; but I admit that I long for the space to slow down, simply to slow down.

  3. The inference that anyone’s time is more or less valuable than another person’s time, based on seniority. I understand variability in ‘bill rates’ as a business model, and the value placed on expertise and specialized skill. However, the day that my ego starts convincing me that my time is more precious than a more junior-level employee’s time, that’s the day that I need someone to remind me, perhaps in big bold lettering: PLEASE READ, you need to slow down. Period.

Dance for Humanity: Soul Fire Farm

Dance for Humanity: Soul Fire Farm

We made it to Friday (again)

We made it to Friday (again)